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Wild Okanagan Sunflowers: Why you need to go for a walk in the mountains this spring!


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Hello Beautiful Friends!

Picture this: rolling hills shimmering in golden blankets, valleys overflowing with wild sunflowers—the sweet scent of arrowleaf balsamroot dancing in the breeze! This  why you need to go for a walk in the mountains today!

The arrowleaf balsamroot, with its delicate yellow petals and slender stems, is a beautiful sight as it sways in the gentle breeze. Combined with the earthy fragrance of pine trees, it creates a sensory experience unlike any other.

In this idyllic cottage core setting brought to life, time seems to pause, inviting you to savour each moment and revel in the splendour of the Okanagan in spring!

Enjoy your walk to the fullest!

P.S. Keep an eye out for a season of wildflower photos from me! I’m putting together my collection as we speak, set to launch next month! Here’s a glimpse of one of my favourite wildflower prints below! :)

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Okanagan, BC

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